Tag Archives: protest

Calling On The Rich To Pay Their Fair Share: A Local Perspective

As some of you may know, I make my home in the lovely city of Duluth, Minnesota, USA.  Although normally a national or even global perspective is featured on this blog, I thought it would be appropriate to share some local perspective as well.  The video below if from a recent rally that took place in Duluth on tax day to call on the rich to pay their fair share.  It is important to share an acknowledge this smaller local actions.  Sometimes focusing on the larger picture can be self defeating; power structures and systems seem so entrenched as to engender a feeling of helplessness in the face of them.

We must always remember that no meaningful change will come the centers of power on their own accord.  It will only come when enough of a groundswell is built through a multitude of small and local organizations that apply pressure to those that currently occupy the halls of power in Washington.