Tag Archives: day of action

Israel Denies Entry to Hundreds in Day of Action

The below video expands on a theme that we have often touched upon at The Other Americas: the incompatibility of a Jewish state and a democratic state.

The rightward shift in public opinion in Israel over the past decade only continues to deepen, the large protests that took place last summer over social questions ( the issue of the occupation was conspicuously absent for the most part) notwithstanding.

The specific targeting of left leaning political activists by the police while simultaneously allowing right leaning activists to act with impunity is a clear example of the systematic attempt to suppress dissent.

As always, antisemitism is the charge leveled against those standing up for the rights of a dispossessed people that have lived under occupation, as refugees, or as second class citizens for the past half century. It does not matter that many of the activists supporting the Palestinian cause were themselves Israeli Jews; they simply can be slapped with epitaph of self-hating Jew and no further thought on the matter is necessary.

As the struggle for Palestinian rights continues to unfold, both in the Palestian communities in the Occupied Territories and in Israel, as well as among Jewish and international solidarity activists, The Other Americas will continue is analysis with an eye towards a just, equitable, and lasting solution for all involved, recognizing that tyranny over any can only result in tyranny over all.

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