Category Archives: Egypt Watch

Update from Egypt

Reed Lindsay reports from Egypt on the continuing discontent that simmering social unrest. As Egyptian workers intensify their struggle for a decent life, the false promises of the counter-revolution portraying itself as the culmination of the revolution only become clearer. This dynamic moves the masses of the Egyptian people towards a re-intensification of the struggle with the entrenched power structures in the armed forces and the state.

The Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Continues

Update from Egypt with Jihan Hafiz

Update from Egypt

The Movement Has Neither Won Nor Lost In Egypt by Samir Amin

Samir Amin on the correlation of forces in Egypt today and identifies the current phase as the beginning of a long period of democratic change with its ups and downs.

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Military Backs Mubarak’s Former Spy Chief Omar Suleiman for President

An update from Egypt on the upcoming presidential elections. The race seems to be boiling down to two sections of candidates: those who were members of the Mubarak regime and those who are Islamists.

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Clashes rage in Cairo for fourth day

Jihan Hafiz, along with her colleague Reed Lindsey, of The Real News are doing the best English language reporting out of Cairo right now.

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